The Tasmanian Dance Expo competition welcomes all styles of dance. We encourage dancers from all over Tasmania to join us as we celebrate up and coming young artists, in what is anticipated to be the largest dance event of the year.

Troupes ages.
9 yrs & under
11 yrs & under
13 yrs & under
16 yrs & under

Solo Ages
Mini – 6 yrs & under
Junior – 7-8 yrs
Pre-Teen – 9-11 yrs
Teen- 12-13 yrs
Pre-Senior – 14-15 yrs
Senior – 16+

All styles are welcome.

Each act will be scored out of 100 points. Every entry will receive a written report from each judge.

Solo Section:

  • The Top 10 will be announced for each solo division (Junior, Pre-Teen, Teen, Pre-Senior, Senior).
  • Mini Division: The top 3 performers will receive an award on Friday after the division concludes.
  • The Top 4 will be announced and invited to perform at the GALAXY GALA Showcase on Sunday evening with the chance to win the title of ‘TDE Champion’. Trophies and scholarships will be awarded.
  • ‘Galaxy Gala’ Scoring will be made by a panel of judges ranking soloists 1-5 (one being the highest) for each section. Scores will be collected and the competitor with the lowest score will be titled the winner. Runner-up and second runner-up will also be awarded prizes.
  • X-Factor Award: To be considered for the TDE X-Factor award, please ensure you sign up to be X-Factor winner on your Dance Comp Genie dashboard this option will become available when registering your competition solo. The Winner will be announced on Friday.

Troupes Section:

  • The Top 4 will be announced and invited to perform at the GALAXY GALA Showcase on Sunday evening with the chance to win the group title of ‘TDE Troupe Champion’. NEW: Including 9yrs & under Troupe Entries
  • Trophies and scholarship prizes will be awarded at the GALAXY GALA Showcase.
  • The GALAXY GALA Scoring will be made by a panel of judges ranking groups 1-5 (one being the highest) for each section. Scores will be collected and the competitors with the lowest score will be titled the winner. Runner up and Second Runner up will also be awarded.

Entry Instructions:

  • Solo competitors will only be allowed to enter ONE solo in their age division.
  • Troupe competitors will only be allowed to enter THREE routines per dance school, per age division.
  • Troupe competitors must purchase a Performer Pass, this performer pass allows the competitors to spectate the Friday and Saturday competition.
  • The age of all entrants is 1st January 2025. Please be aware that a certificate of birth may need to be provided to verify the competitor’s age if required by the committee.
